Cowboy Caviar

I got this recipe from my faithful school librarian, Marsha (let me tell ya; if she’s coming to the work party, everybody and their stomach is going to do a happy dance)!  This is another one of those dips where you take a scoop and literally find yourself yearning for more like an ice cold Coca-Cola in the Sahara.  ?There are many variations of this recipe that can be found online, however, this one is such a great hit and I’m sticking to it!  

Serving Size:  4-6


3/4 c of Sugar

1/2 c of Apple Cider Vinegar

3/4 c of Oil (canola/vegetable)

Bring to a boil and let cool (this takes a while so make this FIRST!)


3 Bunches of Green Onions (green tops only; chopped) about 1 cup

1 Medium Green Pepper, chopped (about 1 cup)

1 Medium Red Pepper, chopped (about 1 cup)

2 Cans Shoepeg Corn (any small white corn will do)

1 Can of Pinto Beans

1 Can of Black Beans

1 Can of Black Eyed Peas


*Make the dressing first and let cool if you haven’t already

1. Rinse and drain beans–including black eyed peas (are those beans, too?!?)

2. Mix together beans, black eyed peas, corn, and peppers.

3. Pour cooled dressing over and mix together.

Serve with chips (Tostitos Scoops are my fave)


  • Make a day ahead of time.  This really helps the flavors meld together!
  • Stays good about a week in the fridge.  Any longer and it turns too sweet from the sugar.  
  • Wal-Mart usually sells green onions that are pre-chopped and packaged.   (1 package is the perfect amount for this recipe to sub for the 3 bunches).  I find them in the produce section near the peppers.