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Shopping Guides

Want to shop ALL of my looks?  Look no further!  Whether you saw something on my Instagram, Pinterest, Tiktok, etc. you can find it all here in one place!  You can also send me a DM on Instagram if you need anything!  I absolutely love to help!  


reg·i·men [noun] According to, a regimen is defined as: a regulated course, as of diet, exercise, or manner of living, intended to preserve or restore health or to attain some result.  What can I say? I’m a creature of habit. Like as, I literally do the same exact thing as a daily routine before/after I shower and before/after I sleep. I’ve been this way since high school, but my “regimen” as I often refer to it (as my hubby groans…”it’s always one more thing!” as we’re trying to go to sleep, has matured and grown along the way.

Borrowed Eats

I proudly admit that my recipes are not my own, but borrowed and sometimes tweaked. I will always give credit to where credit is due. I rarely cook, but there are a few staples I often make and take to parties. These are my go to, number-one-hits that people tend to ask (or expect) me to make…and I thought it’d be helpful to put them all in one place and show pictures along the way! 

Faith Ponderings...

These are simply ponderings that are rooted and sparked by my faith in God and Jesus Christ as my savior.  This section [regrettably] will have the least posts.  As I get more comfortable sharing my faith I will post what comes to mind here; for those interested in reading!  I am by no means a saint or an expert.  These are simply ponderings that are from a simple human on this amazing, wonderful earth.  👧🏼

Just For Fun...

If you’re ever having a bad day, I DARE you not to laugh at these hidden camera pranks!  Anyone remember Candid Camera?!  I totally miss that show.  Just For Laughs offers the same ideas.  Hilarious!